Lucky Duck

Coming back on a Monday can be challenging. Yet, today walking down my hall, I was inspired by a simple display on a colleague's door. I had to stop and investigate: What's with all the ducks!

Upon closer inspection, they were sentence starters.

I am a lucky duck because... 

It got me thinking - I didn't expect that on a math teacher's door. I certainly didn't expect it from 8th graders. It seemed so elementary. Yet the message motivated me to stop, read, and reflect on my own luck.

The students took a moment to reflect on something that make them lucky - whether it was a new kitten, the food in the Grille (our version of the cafeteria), or their friends and family, each student had at least one thing to write.

Often times, teachers and students are more likely to see the other duck analogy: calm on the surface but paddling like crazy underneath. This simple activity put a smile on my face. For that, I am a lucky duck to have the privilege to work with such caring people, both the adults and the students. I am a lucky duck because... so simple, yet so powerful.


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